512F1, Pedro Rodriguez, USA 1965 (Fabbri)
This single-seater had an engine with the 12 horizontally opposed cylinders (rather too quickly and erroneously nicknamed boxers, even though the internal engineering is different) and was a beautiful but ill-fated creation. It debuted at the American GP in 1964 driven by Bandini, who would later almost always use it as an alternative to Surtees’ 158.
Although on paper, the horizontal cylinder engine is lower than the V engine and thus offers better road-holding, the 512 still suffered at the hands of Clark’s superior Lotus (the latter also won the Constructors’ and Drivers’ titles) and Graham Hill’s BRM, as they swept the boards in the 1965 season. The only break in their dominance came in the last race in Mexico, a surprise win by Ginther, who proved a revelation behind the wheel of his Honda.
Furthermore, the new rules that would come into force at the start of 1966 (three-litre naturally aspirated engines, and 1.5-litres with superchargers) saw almost all of the company’s energies devoted to developing a car for the coming season.
Перед гонкой Скудерия осталась без своего лидера Джона Сёртиса, который попал в тяжёлую аварию и получил множественные переломы в гонке Канадо-Американского кубка на автомобиле «Лола-Шевроле». Единственного пилота заводской команды Лоренцо Бандини в Уоткинс-Глене поддержали пилоты стартовавшей на автомобилях «Феррари» частной североамериканской команды «North American Racing Team» Педро Родригес и дебютировавший в Формуле-1 Боб Бондурант. Итог гонки вновь был неутешительным: Бандини - четвёртый, Родригес - пятый, Бондурант - девятый.
1965-ый год открывал для Скудерии безтитульный период застоя, который продлился ровно 10 лет.