555F1, Paul Frere, Belgia 1955 (MG Model)
The 555 F1, the latest version of the F1 single-seater with a 4-cylinder engine, was first used at the Bordeaux GP on 24 April ’55. It was the evolution of the 553, whose new helical spring front suspension it retained, instead of the transverse leaf-spring type. The further extended bodywork gave rise to the name Super shark. This type of car was still used by Peter Collins at the Argentinean GP in Buenos Aires on 22-1-56, whilst Fangio, Musso and Castellotti already had the modified D 50.
Despite these improvements, Ferrari was in a crisis faced with the sheer strength of the Mercedes, and Lampredi, the main designer, had left the Company after serious disagreements. The team only had one win, thanks to Maurice Trintignant in Monte Carlo, in a race marred by Ascari’s accident in the Lancia, which ended up in the sea. Four days later, on 26 May, the Italian driver died in an accident during trials at the Monza motor racing track.
5 июня 1955 года состоялся ГП Бельгии, где фаворитами были пилоты Мерседес. Однако пилотам Скудерии всё таки удалось показать довольно высокий темп. Фарина финишировал третьим, а четвертым был француз Пол Фрере. Из пяти лет, проведенных в Ф1, Фрере стартовал в 11-ти Гран При и один раз поднялся на подиум годом позже в 1956-ом и тоже в Бельгии, управляя Феррари.