F60, launch 2009 - Ferrari in Miniatures

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F60, launch version 2009 (BBR, limited 8/20)

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

F60, launch version 2009

The F60 is the fifty-fifth single-seater built by Ferrari specifically to compete in the Formula 1 world Championship. The name of the car was chosen to celebrate the Scuderia’s participation in all 60 editions of the Formula 1 World Championship since 1950 to date.
The project, which goes by the internal code name of 660, represents the Scuderia’s interpretation of the regulations that come into force this year, which include very many new elements. As far as the aerodynamics are concerned, these modifications are the result of work carried out by the OWG (Overtaking Working Group) set up by the FIA in collaboration with the teams to produce a set of rules aimed at encouraging more overtaking on the track: the front wing, which has a neutral central profile, common to all, is developed mainly on its side elements and is much wider than in the past; the bodywork can no longer carry slotted apertures that had characterized the Ferrari cars over the past few years. Other aerodynamic devices are also significantly reduced; the rear wing is higher and narrower than in the past; the diffuser has been moved rearward. The combination of changes naturally led the initial design phase down radically different routes when it came to the side pods and protection component: the apertures have been reduced in size and moved rearward, while the upper and rear elements are larger to aid the exit of air.
The new rules regarding aerodynamics have also led to modifications to the suspension, as these elements can no longer be enclosed to the same extent. The suspension system and the whole layout of the car have been redesigned in the light of the new rules in order to achieve the correct weight distribution. The design also takes into account two other significant changes in the 2009 regulations: the possibility of using a kinetic energy recovery system (KERS) and the reintroduction of slick tyres. The KERS on the F60 was designed by Ferrari in collaboration with Magneti Marelli and is centrally mounted on the engine under the rear part of the chassis; its management has involved all departments of the Gestione Sportiva. The return to the tyres with no grooves is another element which is down to the work of the OWG, as is the introduction of the flap on the front wing that can be adjusted by the driver when the car is moving.
The software for managing this tool, as well as for the KERS, was designed at Maranello. The transmission has been redesigned to optimize the aerodynamic efficiency of the car. The gearbox casing is again made in carbon and is still positioned longitudinally. The gearbox is fitted with a speed shifter. There is also a new braking system, with callipers designed by Brembo. Other important rule changes for this year stem from the work of FIA and FOTA (Formula One Teams Association) aimed at producing a significant reduction in the teams’ operational costs.
As far as the engine is concerned, which retains its longitudinal mounting in the F60 and continues as a load bearing structure, the rules now state that a total of eight engines may be used over the 17 Grands Prix race weekends on the calendar. Accordingly, the maximum permitted engine speed has been reduced to 18,000 rpm and the distance target for each unit is now around 2,500 kilometres. Furthermore, modifications have been made to the inlet trumpets, the position of the injectors and the configuration of the exhausts.
The changes to the regulations mean that, on the reliability front, Shell has played a fundamental role in defining the lubricants for both the engine and the gearbox. As usual, the technical partners have played an important part right from the design and development stage of the entire car. Apart from the forementioned Shell, a significant contribution has been made by the FIAT Research Centre, especially in the use of its simulation systems and by Brembo, in the development of the braking system. As usual, great attention has been paid to the management and optimization of the material used, at the design stage and through quality control, aimed at maximizing performance while maintaining the highest possible levels of safety.

Если можно так сказать, то новая, а теперь уже и завершающаяся, эра болидов началась в 2009-ом году. 12 января, в итальянском Мюджелло состоялась презентация болида F60. В соответствии с новым изменившимся регламентом, внешний вид болида претерпел существенную корректировку. Больше всего обратили на себя внимание необычные очертания антикрыльев: очень широкого и плоского переднего и, наоборот, высокого и узкого заднего. Вкупе с изменением архитектуры диффузора и запретом на щелевидные аэродинамические отверстия в носовой части эти элементы обеспечили снижение прижимной силы болида более чем на 20% (по данным испытаний моделей в аэродинамической трубе). Однако часть потерь была компенсирована использованием бесканавочных шин – сликов, имеющих на 18% большую площадь контакта с дорогой по сравнению с "сухими" шинами прошлого года.
Также F60 получила обновленный, более долговечный мотор, рассчитанный на 2500 километров пробега и интегрированный с системой KERS, разработанной в сотрудничестве с компанией Magneti Marelli. Интересно отметить, что название нового болида отступало от традиции последних лет (буква F плюс год) и означало 60-летний юбилей участия Ferrari в королевских гонках.
Болид был значительно быстрее предыдущего, однако старт сезона оказался удручающим - ни одного очка в первых трех гонках. Такого не было с 1981 года.
Доработанная F60B дебютировала на Гран При Испании. Кими Райкконен принес команде первый подиум в сезоне уже во второй гонке для данной модификации болида. Он же принесет и единственную победу в Спа.
Ближе к концу сезона доработка F60 практически прекратилась, так как все силы были брошены на разработку болида для следующего года. Отсюда и относительный спад команды на последних этапах чемпионата. Ferrari так и не сумела опередить McLaren в Кубке Конструкторов, отстав на 1 очко.

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