312B, Canada 1970 - Ferrari in Miniatures

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312B, Jacky Ickx, Canada 1970 (Elite)

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

312B, Canada 1970

Ferrari catches up in 1970 getting very close to the Constructors’ Title with Jacky Ickx and Clay Regazzoni right behind Jochen Rindt. The car used is the new 312 B, the start of a series of 12 -cylinder boxer engines, indicated by the B in the car’s name. The single-seater is becoming more and more competitive during the season. The drivers gain four wins: three by Ickx (Austria, Canada and Mexico) and one by Regazzoni (Italy).
The engine with its flat cylinders has the advantage of a lower centre of gravity. Being completely new it is also more compact and lighter, therefore improving the car’s performance. This type of engine is used for a long time with several improvements bringing Ferrari back to success. Also the chassis is new, although it is still a semi-monocoque with a tubular frame with attached panels of aluminium for the livery. Meanwhile the engine is fitted in the rear, but not yet self-feeding like in the following years.

Гран-при Канады 1970 года — одиннадцатый этап чемпионата мира. Автогонки прошли 20 сентября 1970 года на трассе Мон-Тремблан.
«Феррари» сократила число своих автомобилей до двух, оставив не у дел третьего пилота Ignazio Giunti, что однако не помешало закончить гонку победным дублем. Jacky Ickx одержал 5-ю в карьере победу и 45-ю для команды Феррари. Для Ickx это вторая победа в сезоне 1970 и 3-я у Ferrari. Клей Регаццони финишировал вторым, добавив в свою статистику 3-й подиум в карьере.

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VR65 Private Collection
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VR65 Private Collection
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